Remember the far distant cartoon show named Rocky and Bullwinkle?
Title : Remember the far distant cartoon show named Rocky and Bullwinkle?
link : Remember the far distant cartoon show named Rocky and Bullwinkle?
Remember the far distant cartoon show named Rocky and Bullwinkle?
Remember the far distant cartoon show named Rocky and Bullwinkle? It was located in a fictional Minnesota town named Frostbite Falls. My friend Don Church hybridized a very nice daylily and he named it Frostbite Falls. Here's the picture and the registration information. I'm growing it here in Marshfield and will have a couple plants I can sell this fall. One of the parents is Early Snow which is one of our favorites here at the farm. It's pictured here below our picture of Frostbite Falls. #vermontflowerfarmforsale; #vermontrealestate; #buylocal;
Frostbite Falls (Church, 2009) Height 38 inches (96 cm), bloom 6.5 inches (17 cm), season M, Dormant, Tetraploid, 25 buds, 3 branches, Near white self. (Early Snow × Chablis Blanc)
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